Dear fellow Pilots.
Glider ops at Devine Soaring Port in order to have flying status and privileges at Hill County Motorgliding.
1) No one flies gliders on tow or motorgliders when not briefed and cleared on operational procedures. In case of confusion, please do ask questions either to myself or Shelly until things are perfectly clear. Flying status will be granted only when the following conditions are meet:
* Airfield check or 90 days currency by chief instructor
* Renters insurance with AOPA for at least $500,000 liability and $20,000 Hull coverage
* Good standing with Hill Country Motorgliding & Soaring LLC (no late charges, no warning)
2) Gliders use a left hand pattern on runway 17 and on runway 35,
3) Gliders on tow will be staged on the runway (17/35) at the Vasi or runway markings (17/35)
4)Glider and towplane will take-off from the active runway (17/35 depending on wind situation), and will fly out South East (17) or North (35) into the prevailing wind, up to 1300 MSL before exiting the pattern.
5) Tow plane upon return will be subject to power pattern 17 left or 35 left (on the East side of the airport), and will drop the towrope in the grassy area on the right side of the runway
Then the towplane will slide to the left to land on the active runway, or grass landing area pending safety situation and existing traffic.
While cable is being dropped, all individuals must step back to the grass area near the glider tiedown.
6) All gliders will enter downwind to the East (17) or West (35 ) of the airfield and will announce their intention through a radio message on Devine Unicom frequency 122.900. Entry in the pattern shall be made at no less than 1700 MSL except emmergency situation.
7) All Gliders will land on runway 17/35
8) No thermaling is allowed on the East side of the airport at less than 2000 MSL.
9) No thermaling is allowed when commited to the pattern after radio call, nor below 1600 MSL in the airport vicinity except under specific authorizarion from the chief instructor or his replacement.
Attention: Visitors and pilots must park their vehicles only outside the airport premises on the designated area(s), or along the access road on the grassy area. No traffic is allowed on the airport.
Any deviation from these procedures will be subject to warning and or revocation of flying privileges if deemed necessary by HCM.
If you have any questions, and or any of the above is not clear, do not fly and ask questions and clarification before getting airborne. It is the PIC responsibility to have knowledge at all times of the above rules and procedures, in the interest of safety. Glider activities and usage of taxiway will be published in the airport directory, on the San Antonio sectional chart.
In the meantime, Shelly Underwood and I, would like to thank you for your support and business, and would like to wish you a fantastic 2007 soaring season.
Shelly M. Underwood, Owner/V.P./Ops ground manager.
Jean-Pierre C. Ducos, Owner/ President/ chief cfig-mg/chief Tow Pilot |